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    ferroally price predict
    The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has intensified recently, with no end in sight.
    Russia is one of the world's largest exporters of energy and raw materials. Russia's oil and gas supplies directly affect energy prices around the world.
    At the same time, Russia's ferroalloy is also a necessary raw material for European industries.
    Ukraine is a very important grain producer. And its silicon manganese and other raw materials also have a huge impact on the world's steel production.
    Since the outbreak of the War between Russia and Ukraine, the prices of raw materials, energy and food have risen worldwide. Food crises in some countries; Steel - based materials also jumped; The cost of production and living has soared worldwide.
    As a ferroalloy supplier, in such a turbulent environment, we should consider carefully, on the one hand, not to blindly follow the trend, to have their own long-term consideration; On the other hand, we must be stable and continue to ensure the supply of raw materials to customers. Customers are also emotional, and they will always remember those who stand together through thick and thin.
    At present, China's domestic ferroalloy all red. The price of ferrosilicon is also rising. It is predicted that the price may rise by more than $30 per ton from March 7th to 8th.
    And the price will continue to rise in the future, ferrosilicon 75A FOB price is expected to return to the era of $2000.
    However, it is important to note that this rally does not seem to have sustained momentum, and once the war with Ukraine ends, prices are likely to fall sharply. Whether it falls or not may ultimately depend on China and other major powers'
    infrastructure plans, reconstruction plans for war zones and the overall state of the economy in 2022.
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